Perfect Fasteners is an IATF certified Nationwide Manufacturer of Stocked and Custom Nuts, Bolts and Fasteners

Product & Product Range…

Perfect Fasteners is manufacturer of standard & customized sizes of Nuts, Bolts , Screws , Rivets & all kind of Washers , with applications in Domestic Market, in industries like Automobile Electrical , Electronics & Engineering Machinery.

About Us


The firm started at small scale , march ahead with the aim of providing quality products to the market. A significant experience in the field has earned the firm high reputation and has strengthened the market base at remarkable level and today the team is dedicated to serve the best . Product workmanship,quality policy standardization delivery service and competitive terms & conditions have played vital role for the growth , the firm enjoying today .


We all at Perfect Fasteners are pledged to supply quality products to our customers by becoming more precise sharp & competitive at all levels of operations whether they are related to manufacture , purchase , supply or administration.

Perfect Fasteners is an IATF
Certified Nationwide Manufacturer Of Stocked And Custom Nuts, Bolts And Fasteners

Our Clients

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